Every industry that relies on hydraulics understands the crucial role of the hydraulic pump. Its seamless function ensures optimal operations, while a malfunction can lead to significant downtime and costs. Being proactive by recognizing early signs of pump failure not only helps in averting a breakdown but also extends the lifespan of the hydraulic motor and other equipment.

Unusual Noises

If your hydraulic pump starts producing unusual noises, it’s a warning sign you shouldn’t ignore. These sounds, which can result from internal friction, misalignment, or cavitation, may occur just before a decline in performance. With our cutting-edge hydraulic shop, we at Texas Hydrostatics possess the skills to accurately identify and resolve the issues linked to these noises.

Overheating Hydraulic Pump

One of the most serious indicators of an impending hydraulic pump failure is overheating. Obstructed or overwhelmed heat exchanges and vents can reduce the pump’s ability to dissipate heat effectively. When the temperature reaches 180° F or higher, the hydraulic fluid begins to lose viscosity, consequently shortening its lifespan. Overheated fluid compromises the pump’s operating efficiency and places additional strain on seals, valves, and other components. At Texas Hydrostatics, we meticulously trace and resolve such issues, ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of your hydraulic systems.

Hydraulic Pump Leakage

Hydraulic pump leaks, both internal and external, indicate underlying issues. External leaks, which manifest as hydraulic fluid pools or sprays, usually result from problems with components like hoses, connections, or valves. On the other hand, internal leaks are less obvious and can be identified by symptoms like low pressure or slow performance. These internal problems are often caused by worn-out valves and other components. To diagnose and fix these issues, it is important to continuously monitor and seek expert help. 

Proactive Maintenance is Key

Being vigilant and recognizing the symptoms of hydraulic pump failures early can prevent operational disruptions. Texas Hydrostatics is a hydraulic company that offers a top-notch hydraulic repair service, combining expertise, up-to-date technology, and a commitment to excellence that ensures your hydraulic systems are always operating at their best.

Don’t let hydraulic pump failures disrupt your workflow. Reach out to us today and let our experienced team ensure your operations continue seamlessly.