Dollar for dollar, hydraulic machinery is some of the most efficient equipment found on the job site. But even with the most reliable gear, things can still go wrong. Here are some of the leading problems that might be found in the hydraulic pumps in your equipment.

A piece of hydraulic machinery tends to operate very consistently. If your equipment slows down and is no longer as responsive as it once was, things may have gone wrong. Often this is caused by a lack of pressure in the hydraulic system, which could mean anything from low fluid levels to seal failures in the system.

High temperature is another sure sign that something is going wrong with your hydraulic pump. Not only are higher-than-normal temps dangerous to your pump, but they represent a hazard to those working with or around the equipment. Shut her down and get a qualified hydraulic pump specialist to determine the issue.

Lastly, hear that noise? You probably shouldn’t. Hydraulic system sounds are pretty consistent. If you are noticing a noise that wasn’t there before, don’t ignore it. Ignoring potential points of failure can be a very expensive gamble. Get a certified pro to take apart the hydraulic pump and get you a diagnosis.

Remember: If you feel like you don’t have time to get it looked at, just remember you’ll have all the time in the world to get it repaired after it stops functioning. Avoid problems with your hydraulic pumps and expensive interruptions of productivity: call Texas Hyrdostatics today to get an experienced pro to take a look at your gear before that minor inconvenience becomes a major headache.