Quick, what is the most important feature of your hydraulic crane?

Is it load capacity? Ease of use? Ability to maneuver tricky loads into tight spaces?

Though these are all important, the most important feature your hydraulic crane has is reliability.

As they say in fields from athletics to business: “The most important ability is availability.”

When failures occur they can lead to days or weeks of lost productivity and a corresponding drop in potential revenue. So the smart crane owner will be asking, “What is the most important thing I can be doing to reduce the risks of downtime for my crane?”

The answer might surprise you: routine maintenance.

The amount of friction generated by all the moving parts in the hydraulic boom crane can not be overstated. You need a way to offset the results of all that friction. Regular lubrication, pressurization, and safety inspections should be key elements of your job site plan.

Many preventive maintenance schedules for cranes may seem overly ambitious. The operator may be asking themselves, “How can I possibly afford to be constantly taking my crane offline to perform maintenance and inspection?”

The real question the operator should be asking is, “Can I afford the downtime that will result if I don’t maintain a regular maintenance schedule?”

Texas Hydrostatics knows cranes. Contact us today and let us assist you with a maintenance and inspection schedule that can keep your hydraulic crane available.