Valves are an essential part of hydraulics systems—you need to be able to regulate the flow of hydraulic fluid to the portions of the equipment that are currently performing your work. Proportional valves allow an even greater amount of control over these operations.

A proportional valve allows the hydraulic system to regulate how much fluid (or what “proportion”) is being sent to the component being powered. This ability to control the exact amount of pressure being exerted by the hydraulic system allows a much greater degree of control and enables the operator to apply finesse and focus to each operation rather than the binary fully 100% open or 100% closed options that accompany traditional hydraulic valves.

These valves have electronic systems that directly control a piston or diaphragm so only a percentage of hydraulic fluid passes into the component, which allows for more delicate and precise control over the operation being performed. Designed around either two- or three-way valves, these valves can support either unidirectional or bi-directional flow depending on the complexity of the system design around them.

The use of the proportional valve in your hydraulic equipment is just one of the many tools available to your operators that allow much greater control over your operations, from construction to earth-moving. Texas Hydraulics knows all the ins and outs of proportional valves and can bring you up to speed on how to put these technologies to work for you. Contact us today for more information.