Moving freight has created some very specialized niches in heavy equipment. One of the most specialized is the side lift crane—a unique vehicle used in docks and freight yards across the world to streamline the operation of moving cargo containers from one cargo carrier to another.

At first glance, side lift cranes look like semi-trucks toting a trailer with a pair of very large hydraulic cranes at the front and back. On closer inspection, however, it becomes apparent that the cranes are actually seated in a rail-like framework that allows them to slide forward and backward along the base of the “trailer.” This allows them to be utilized to handle containers of varying widths, and in many cases multiple shipping containers simultaneously.

In operation, the side lift cranes will move parallel to the cargo container they are moving. The hydraulic arms will extend outward from the side of the trailer bed and lack onto the lift points of the cargo container. They then lift the container onto the railing on the back of the side lift crane, securing it for movement elsewhere within the facility. Not intended for long-haul usage, the side-lift crane is utilized typically in cargo transfer areas like railyards, docks, and shipping facilities to expedite the rapid movement of cargo from one long-haul platform to another, streamlining the cargo transfer operation.

Texas Hydrostatics knows all the tricks of the trade when it comes to hydraulic-powered heavy equipment, including specialized cargo movers like the side lift crane. Contact us today for any questions you have about these machines or for inquiries about the proper care and maintenance of your own cargo movers.