The typical mental image of a crane is that of a giant, multi-ton machine, hoisting items to the top of multi-story buildings. But the world of hydraulic cranes is actually much broader than just heavy equipment. Allow us to introduce you to the truck-mounted hydraulic crane.

In design, the truck-mounted crane looks like someone took the front end of a semi and welded it to a smaller hydraulic crane. Frequently the equipment offers operator controls within the cab of the truck and some will incorporate a separate operating booth on the crane itself as well. They come in a variety of truck bodies, crane lengths, and load handling characteristics, dependent on the tasks required.

The secret to the value of the truck-mounted hydraulic crane lies in the power of the hydraulic systems. Hydraulics provide an enormous amount of power for their size, meaning that a relatively compact truck crane equipped with a two-gear pump can put out extraordinary motive force in a relatively small housing. Higher pressures can cause safety issues, so attention has to be paid to the material the pump housing is made of, and routine maintenance is key to keeping the hydraulic fluid clean, but these are relatively small prices to pay for the compact power provided.

The benefits of the truck-mounted hydraulic crane are innumerable. Imagine a crane that doesn’t need special load permits and escort vehicles to be moved from one place to another. They are easily maneuverable, with reduced maintenance requirements and less restrictive operator training. The truck-mounted crane can operate in much tighter spaces than a traditional heavy equipment crane and can be accordingly used for a wider variety of tasks. Loading and unloading heavy cargo loads, power-line maintenance, and smaller construction sites can all be supported by the nimble and versatile truck-crane, without the tremendous costs and space usage of its older siblings.

If you appreciate everything your truck-mounted crane does, bring it to Texas Hydrostatics when it needs work. We will repair it in our pristine workshop, then test everything thoroughly to ensure everything runs to our exacting standards. We’ll have your crane up and running again as quickly as possible.