A well-maintained hydraulic pump should operate properly for years, but sometimes the internal pressure causes malfunctions and can even lead to system failures. When equipment stops workings, productivity comes to halt and can cause significant financial loss. Here are signs of wear and poor performance to watch out for that can indicate a problem.

All equipment makes noise while in operation but any new, loud, or abnormal sounds need checking out. Growling noises are a sign of cavitation, while screeching may indicate worn-out bearings.

Slow or Inefficient Performance
A sluggish system or one that operates erratically can indicate low fluid levels, wear, or stuck parts.

High fluid temperature causes damage to seals. The rising temperature may be due to a buildup of dirt. Overheating is sometimes both a sign of a deeper problem or the cause of further damage. It’s best to have it repaired quickly.

Anytime liquid is found outside the pump and lines, the system requires inspection. Leaks reduce the pressure in the system and need immediate attention.

Water Contamination
If the hydraulic fluid appears milky, water contamination from condensation is likely. This can lead to corrosion and component damage.

Regular servicing and inspections can lead to early detection and minimize the cost of repairs and downtime. It’s essential to train all workers to be vigilant and keep an eye and an ear out for anything unusual.

Contact the professionals at Texas Hydrostatics today to discuss your needs and request a quote. They have over 30 years of experience and knowledge to offer high-quality service that you can trust.